Monday, 27 June 2011

***One click FGH goodness***

Keep abreast of the latest FGH news on your iPhone. Some of you may already know about this feature and some might not. So I thought I would make a quick little how to:

For starters, open Safari on your iPhone and go to our tumblr blog.

Once at the blog you will see a picture of Adams nipples. Ignore them and click on the icon in the middle of the lower toolbar. As highlighted below. (Adam is also helpfully looking at said icon, he is so clever!)

Some options will open. Click the bar that says 'Add To Home Screen'.

A new menu will open allowing you to name the 'icon' accordingly. e.g. FGH

 A pretty little icon now shows in your iPhones home screen for one click access to all things FGH. SIMPLES!

Our 'tumblr' blog is a mirror of our official FGH blog so you wont miss a beat. There you have it, hope this helps.

Oh and as the late great Peter Falk  would have said... 'Just one more thing'. With the 1st of July fast creeping up, this means the monthly 'FGH Newsletter' is nearly upon us. If your not on the mailing list and would like to be contact me at

Love and Unicorn breath,

From Great Height


  1. Will this work on Android phones as well?

  2. I literally have no idea. Never used an Android phone. Perhaps you could tell me? M
