Tuesday, 31 May 2011

***It's a two gig week***

Not one but TWO gigs for you this week. First up in Camden Town we have the 'MIDWEEK FREAK #1: Experimental bands for your inner freak!' then fast forward to Saturday when it's FGH @ the Peel for Mattfest 2011 (we're on first, get there early!!!). doors for that one are at 1pm. It's an all dayer with a cracking line-up with the mighty Touchstone headlining.

It would be awesome to see you at one or both of them. click on the links for ticket details!


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Facebook 'Likes'

Our 'Likes' have been going up steadily recently. Big thank you to anyone who has ever recommended us, told a friend about us or even played our music LOUD! Word of mouth is difficult to get but it is the most reliable and effective way of spreading your music. It means a lot to us when people do it for us and we hope you will continue to!

All our music is free and can be downloaded here - http://www.fromgreatheight.bandcamp.com


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

***New text/logo***

Hello all,

As you have already noticed from home page and our banner at the top of the page, we have gone and had our self a new text/logo design done. It was done on our behalf by the ever so helpful people over at Motionless Visions. So if you ever need any kind of design work done then these are your guys!

We will be getting t shirts  and what nots done soon to celebrate our new design. More on that as it comes!

Hope you like.

Let us know what you think in the comments section!


Monday, 16 May 2011

***FGH @ Purple Turtle 1/06/11***

Hello all,

Just a friendly reminder that our next show is at the awesome Purple Turtle in Camden. On 1st June. Its a Wednesday night sure but we are on early so there is no excuse.

We are a last minute addition to the bill (we are filling in for a cancellation) so apologies for the short notice. We like to keep you on your toes ;)

Here are the set times below. As i said we are on early so get down in time to catch us, and stick around for some awesome music and probably beer and um... strippers!?

9:45 - BOGONG IN ACTION (all the way from Italy BTW!!!)

*Click on the picture below to be directed to the facebook events page*

Until then,


Monday, 9 May 2011

***A May in the life of FGH***

WOW! what a busy week/weekend we have had....

After our usual Wednesday rehearsal we went on to Fuzzgun at Barform. it was pretty mental. It took a while to get going but once the place filled out and the beer/sweat started flowing it was time to get messy!

Our good friends in Follly were first up. They did themselves proud as usual with a blistering set of aggressive punk'n'grunge. Our very own Adam Ever also joined them for what was (if i do say so myself) a pretty epic rendition of the MC5 classic 'Kick Out The Jams'. Hopefully i will be able to get some audio of that out to you very soon. We also debut our new track Disciple. Let us know what you think. it's a bit heavier than your used to from us. But thats not a bad thing right?

So a big thank you to everyone who made it down to see that and stuck around for all the bands. Enfield isn't the easiest place to reach, in particular get home from late at night. So it's testament to you guys that we still had a decent crowd. Awesome!

Then came Saturdays show, Facemelter at The Miller. I had been looking forward to this show all week and it didn't disappoint. It was ridiculously hot in there, but that didn't seem to bother anyone. I may have burst in to a fit of giggles half way through the second song due to the tiny break-dancer (who did body pop right through our whole set) and "The Screamer" as he was named. But honestly, it was such a memorable gig. I don't think i will forget that one in a long while. If all their shows are that lively then i seriously suggest you get yourselves down to Facemelter at the Miller.  The promoter Kunal really has his head and his heart in the right place and i can see him making waves down there along the river bank. Here is the link to his facebook group: Chaos Theory Facebook Page.

Again, everyone who came down, cheered us, paid to get in and took time out to spend your Saturday night with us.... Thank you. You guys really are what makes our wheels turn and make it all worth while.

Throughout May we will be re-grouping and getting a few admin things sorted, it's exciting trust me. I will keep you posted as it comes. But our next gig is not till June 1st.

We shall see you then!


Friday, 6 May 2011

New Recordings

Just found out we shall be recording 3 to 4 new tracks (depending on time restraints) in the next couple of weeks. More info as it comes!


**Photo's from last nights show***

Followers of ours will know that we played Barform in Enfield Town last night as part of the Fuzzgun promotion. Here are some pictures.

Also on the bill were good friends Follly and Enfield vets Djevara. I highly recommend searching out both bands.

So a big thank you to all those who came down and supported us. You humble us regularly, and for this we are grateful.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

***Ghetto Sticks***

Here is Tim with his ghetto sticks...

Long story short, we had to scavenge for old broken sticks dis-guarded at our practice room and tape them together.

DIY music at it's best ladies and gentleman. Coincidently Adam forgot his synths and so we used a dead squirrel wired up to a car battery. IT WORKS!

p.s DON'T forget!! If you are in Enfield way tonight we are playing a free show at Barform with our friends in Follly & Djevara. Details are below. Come say hi!